Town Matches County’s $200K and Commits EDA Grant Match

The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously on January 11, 2022 to designate $400,000.00 from the Run of River Reserve Account to be utilized for construction design and permitting. They also voted to utilize $1,021,161.00 as match for the Economic Development Administration, Travel, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Grant. 

“A motion was made by Charles Robbins and seconded by Paul York to designate $400,000.00 from the Run of River (Skowhegan River Park) Reserve Account to be utilized for construction design and permitting. Vote: 5/0”

“A motion was made by Paul York and seconded by Charles Robbins to allow Jeff Hewett to apply for the Economic Development Administration, Travel, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Grant in the amount of $4,889,600.00 for Run of River (Skowhegan River Park) construction. The remaining $1,021,161.00 from the Run of River Reserve Account and $201,240.00 from Main Street will be used as match. Vote: 5/0”